Friday, 6 July 2018

What is CSS?

   What is CSS?

· CSS  stands for the cascading  style sheets.
· CSS  describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper or in other media.
· CSS saves lot of work it can control the layout of multiple web pages all at once.
· CSS is easy to learn and understand but it provides powerful control over the presentation of and HTML document. Most commonly, CSS  is combined  with the markup language HTML or XTHML.

Why use CSS:
    CSS is used to define style for your web pages, including the design ,layout and variation in display for different device and screen sizes.

Css syntax and selector:

         ·   A CSS rule-set of a consistor of a selector and declaration block:
 Css how to:
                When a browser read a style sheet,it will be formate the HTML                     document according to the information in style sheet.

Three whys to insert css:
·       External style sheet
·       Internal style sheet
·       Inline style sheet

External style sheet:

An external style sheet is separate file where you can declare all the style that you want to use on your website. you than like to the external style sheet from your HTML page. this means only need to set the style for each element once.

Internal style sheet:
            Internal style sheet are style that are placed in the o the place HTML document these style effect only the document they are in cannot be referenced by any other web document.

Inline  Style sheet:
        An inline style may be used to apply a unique style for single use inline style, add the style attribute to the relevant element. the style attribute can contain.

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